Scouting programs are ongoing throughout the year and give scouts an opportunity to complete nature-related badges, adventures or journeys. All or most requirements are met during these sessions. These programs can be attended by individual scouts or troops.
Pre-registration is required for all programs (including free programs). For safety during this time, please have your face covering and consider bringing hand sanitizer when you attend the program.
Scout It Out: Cub Scouts
Fee: $11/scout
Scouts: come and complete your nature-related badge or adventure! All or most requirements are met; however, the badge itself is not included. Register as an individual scout, den, pack, or troop. Please dress for the weather. Leaders or chaperones are free and need to remain with their scouts. No refunds for these programs. Contact us for other scout programs that we can offer for your group.
Click here to register for Wolf: Digging in the Past on Sat, Dec 16, 9:30 am-12 pm
Click here to register for Tiger Cub: My Tiger Jungle on Sat, Apr 13, 10 am-12 pm
Scout It Out : Girl Scouts
Junior GS: Get Moving Journey
(includes Journey Award, Leaders and chaperones are free)
Sat, Jan 13, 9 am-4 pm
Fee: $35/scout
Junior Girl Scouts will have the opportunity to complete the Get Moving Journey in a day-long program. They will learn all about energy, how it is used and ways to conserve it. They will participate in investigations, observe animals and brainstorm ways to help their community use energy wisely. Bring a sack lunch; beverages and an afternoon snack will be provided. Each troop should have leaders or chaperones with the group as per GSA policy; an adult is not needed for each scout. A scout attending on her own should have an adult partner.
Daisy GS: Clover Petal
Sat, Apr 27, 10 am-12 pm
Fee: $11/scout
Brownie: Bugs
Sat, May 11, 9:30 am-12 pm
Fee: $11/scout